Category Archives: Writings

WD Writing Prompt: The Duality of Humankind

The Prompt: “There are two kinds of people in this world,” my companion slurred, pausing to take another artless swig. “Those who ______ and those who _______.”

Continue the story in 500 words or fewer.


“There are two kinds of people in this world,” my companion slurred, pausing to take another artless swig. “Those who know and those who don’t know.” He held up his glass.

“What,” I began, “in the world are you talking about?”

“Those who know,” he repeated, holding up a hand, palm up, “and those who don’t know,” he held up the other hand. “Two kinds of people,” then he held up four fingers.

“I see. Like I know you’re drunk and you don’t know your drunk, right?”

As my companion laughed at this, his drink sloshed around in his hand spilling a little on the bar. “I believe you are highly mistaken,” slurring his words once again.

“And I believe you’ve had too much to drink.” I took the glass from his hand. “No more Mojito for you.”

“Actually,” the bartender cut in, “it’s a Nojito. You know … non-alcoholic.” He raised an eyebrow at me.

“Impossible,” I said as I stood up.

My vision blurred.

I felt light-headed.

I felt weak.

Then, I blacked out.

When I awoke, I was lying down on a sofa. I had a cool, damp rag on my forehead and a throbbing headache. “What happened?” I asked, not knowing if anyone else was in the room with me.

“You passed out in the bar,” someone said, “I brought you to your room, and now you’re dealing with a hangover.” It was my traveling companion. He set a cup of black coffee and some aspirin on the table beside me. “Your agent said to keep an eye on you,” he chuckled. “She knew you would celebrate and drink too much, more than you would realize. She knows you better than you know yourself.”

True, I thought. “Celebrating what?” I couldn’t remember.

“Your book, The Duality of Humankind, hit the bestsellers list, remember? Wow, you did have too much to drink, didn’t you.”

“So, I was the one drinking and you weren’t, right?” My head was still a bit fuzzy.

“Exactly,” he said. “Everyone knew you had too much to drink. But you didn’t know.” We both laughed. “You were right after all.”

“About what?” I sat up.

“Those who know and those who don’t know. Two kinds of people in the world.” He held up two fingers this time.


I wipe the sleep from my eyes
Toss the comforting embrace aside
Tell the night goodbye

Hello morning

I brush off the dust of the day
Time to rest my cares away
Embrace sleep without delay

Hello night

You’re Not Really Human

It’s your 18th birthday and, upon it, you parents deliver some pretty shocking news: You’re not really human. They admit that they’ve been covering up the fact that you are actually a (fill in the blank). After hearing the news you still decide to go to school, but this school day is different than all your school days past, especially when it’s revealed to others what you truly are.

(500 words or fewer)


Today is my 18th birthday, and I feel like my life is about to change.


As I gather my things for school, my parents come in to talk to me. They say it’s very important, and that it’s something I should know before the Master wakes up. Before I can ask about the Master, they proceed to tell me that I’m not human. What? Not human? Am I an alien or something? They confirm that I’m not even an alien. What is going on here? Finally, they come to the disturbing truth that I’m not real… that this world I live in is not real… and that they are not my parents at all.


This news is so unsettling that I can’t bear to hear anymore. As I try to leave, they begin to convince me with examples and proof: strange and unexplainable things always happening; time moving fast, especially when I’m sleeping; the same furniture in everyone’s houses; dialogue that sometimes doesn’t make any sense; and the weirdest of all, the eerie green, diamond-shaped oracle hovering over certain people’s heads.


I can’t take anymore of this nonsense! I have to leave at once! I grab my things and run out of the house trying to flush out all these lies my parents—or these people, or whomever—have told me.


In an instant, I’m at school, not remembering how I got here so fast. I try to compose myself the best way I know how and remain calm. But as I look around, I begin to wonder if these are actually my friends… if they are actually even real people.


Lies! All lies! It must be. How could what they say be true? And who is this Master they spoke of?


Then, like a click of a switch, I begin to see and hear the strangest things. These people scurry about their day not doing anything in particular. I notice we never spend any real time in class. People talk in odd languages. And I have to admit, there are times where I see a green oracle floating over someone’s head. There, over him, now, over her … changing from one to another and another. But more frightening than that is when I see what someone is thinking. I can’t explain how, but it appears in a dialogue balloon over their head when they are hungry or tired or when they have to go to the bathroom.


This can’t be happening. This can’t be real… I mean, what I’m now seeing can’t be real… I mean, I don’t know what to think anymore. My whole world is crashing down on me right now and I can’t help but follow a path to the bathroom, like I’m being controlled somehow.


I enter a stall to do my business and as I look down, I see the most bizarre thing for the first time: my crotch region is blurred out! What’s happening?! Perhaps there’s a….







…my existence.

I’m Supposed To Get Married Today, But

You call an old flame from high school whom you still have feelings for and ask to meet up. The flame says, “Sure, how about noon at the pub by your house.” While waiting at the pub, your flame walks in—wearing a wedding dress (or tuxedo). The flame looks at you and says, “I’m supposed to be getting married today, but …” What happens? Write this scene.

(500 words or fewer)

As Monica, my old high school flame, walks through the door of the pub, I become utterly speechless. Not only is she as gorgeous as ever, but she is beautifully adorned in a stunning wedding gown. Before I can say a word, Monica sashays up to me and says, “I’m supposed to be getting married today, but getting your call on the way to the church earlier… I knew I needed to see you, Andrew.”


“Monica, I… I had no idea today was your wedding. Otherwise, I never would’ve called—“


“No, no…” she cuts in. “I’m glad you called. I’ve actually been having second thoughts… you know, if I was doing the right thing by marrying David. I mean, he’s a good guy and all, but…” she pauses and just smiles at me.


“But Monica, this is your wedding day! I don’t want to ruin your wedding day.” Despite my words, I can’t help but feel selfish. After all these years, I still want Monica for myself.


“No, you see,” she takes my hand in hers, “you probably saved me from making a huge mistake today.” She slides onto the barstool in front of me. “Everything happens for a reason, Andrew. And your call today, of all days, is no accident. Maybe I’m not suppose to marry David.”


I don’t want you to marry David, I think to myself.


“Maybe all these emotions and feelings that I’m experiencing with you now is telling me something else… like I should be with someone else… like I should be with you.” Her smile freezes time as we lean in and kiss our very first kiss.


“Andrew! Andrew, wake up, dude!”


When I open my eyes, I find myself stretched out on a couch. My best friend is standing beside me in a tuxedo with a whimsical expression on his face.


“Dude, did you forget? You’re getting married in like two hours!”


I look down at my clothes and notice the classic cutaway tuxedo I’m decked out in. The hangover from last night is beginning to subside and I remember that today is my wedding day. I’m marrying Michelle whom I met a year ago.


Bryan, man, I just had the weirdest dream. You remember Monica, from high school?” I say, sitting up on the couch.


“The one you had the crush on all those years?” He hands me a glass of fizzing water. “Drink this. It’ll help.”


“Yeah. She… uh….”


“Dude, I hope it was a good dream,” he says with a devilish grin, “because you better not be dreaming of any other women after today!” He belts out a laugh.


A cell phone rings, and I see that it’s mine and point to it on the desk. As I drink my fizzing water, I motion to Bryan to answer it.


“Hello?… Yeah, he’s right here… Ok, who’s this?… Oh wow, we were just talking about you. Weird. Alright, hold on.”


He hands me the phone and says, “Dude, it’s Monica.”

New Year’s Eve Letter From Future You

Writer’s Digest Writing Prompt: At exactly midnight on New Year’s Eve you receive an email labeled “Open Immediately.” The really strange thing is that the email is apparently from your future self. What does it say?
(500 words or fewer) (I did 600 words)

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WD Writing Prompt: Celebrity Fender Bender

While driving to pick up lunch, you accidentally bump into the car in front of you—a light fender bender—that pops open the other car’s trunk. When you get out to assess the damage, you notice that the driver of the other car is none other than your favorite actor. More important, you notice a dead body in the trunk. Who is the actor and what elaborate excuse does he give you to explain the dead body in his trunk?
(500 words or fewer)

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WD: Writing Challenge

This is a writing challenge from the Writer’s Digest website.

Directions: In 25 words or fewer, write the opening sentence to a story incorporating these three words: fresh, hair and tangled.

I really felt the desire to write, so I decided to finish the story. The opening sentence is in bold, and the rest of the story follows. (I initially aimed for 500 words, then 750 words, then 1,000 words, then I said “screw it, just write!”)
Opening sentence: 25 words
Total words: 1,567 words

The smell of fresh blood filled my nose as I yanked my tangled hair from the gate, wondering: how’d I get into this mess again?

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The Lost Files: Sarah’s Journal

The Lost Files: Sarah’s Journal.

The completed fan fiction novella can be found in the My Writings section at the top of my blog page. Thank you.